9 Actionable Instagram Marketing Tips For Businesses In 2020

9 Actionable Instagram Marketing Tips For Businesses In 2020

Instagram is, by far, one of the most popular social networks for both business and personal use. A lot of people use the platform for advertising and expanding the reach of their business. Instagram marketing has been proven to be an effective way to reach out to customers and clients to offer quality goods and services.

Implementing Instagram in your marketing strategy will go a far way in reaping potential benefits for you and your company. The social platform has a wide array of users, and most targeted audiences are gradually getting larger. As such, when you plan to make the best of Instagram, here are a few tips you can incorporate in your Instagram marketing strategy for Businesses in 2020…

Create a Killer Instagram Business Profile

Your Instagram business profile is the first place your targeted audience will look, and as such, you need to make it as attractive and powerful as possible. You want your potential customers to see and understand your business from the get-go; thus, creating a strong business profile would be the face-feature.

Of Course, you will need to add the most critical information without making it seem too “pushy” for those viewing. Your profile should be one of the sole determinants for your potential customers to determine if they want to do business with you. It should create an avenue for your audience to learn about your business and be intrigued to learn more.

Make a Habit of Creating and Scheduling Posts Regularly

You need to post regularly to keep your account active so your audience and fans will have what to interact with. If you do not have the time to post manually, then you may need to organize with a post scheduling app where you set the period when to make the posts. Your audience will want to know what you are up to, and if they are interested in your business, then they will want to have what to interact with. The post helps to keep you connected with your audience and let them be aware that you are available.

Post Visually Great Engaging Content

Ensure what you post is interesting and entertaining, or you will gradually lose your audience. What you post should be attractive to the eyes but not shying away from the fact that you need to make the content useful. Not everyone is keen on viewing and reacting to text advertising, and as such, you may use visual advertising to reach out to your audience. Make the content valuable in terms of allowing your viewers to learn about your business while they commence doing business with you.

Promote Offers and Discounts

Everyone loves discounts and offers, and as such, you may want to add a few of that to your social media page. Promoting offers and discounts on Instagram will attract a lot of potential customers, but you should know how to incorporate long-term strategies to keep customers. Be mindful a lot of people gravitate towards deals and tend to leave as soon they get the benefit, but once they see the quality your company offers, they will stay on board.

Use Instagram Influencers to Promote your Business

Instagram influencers are a powerful tool to implement in your marketing strategy when you plan to use Instagram for your business. Influencers tend to have a mixed audience, and as such, no matter the category your business operates under, they will advertise your brand to a wide audience. When they promote your business, you can rest assured your brand will reach the eyes of a wide group, and through their convincing, you can prepare for positive results.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are what help your target audience to find you easily. When they search for the business you offer, they don’t usually search directly for your business (especially if they don’t know about your company). Instead, they may find your business through the hashtags associated with your account. If you are not sure which tags are the best, it is essential to search for popular companies that offer the same products and services as you do. Once you find the most effective tags, you need to incorporate them into your posts and other means of communication with your audience.

Promote your Products or Services through Stories

Instagram Stories are one of the most effective tools the social platform uses to connect target audiences with their potential products and service providers. As such, you should add this feature to your marketing strategy, where you can advertise your products and services. One of the fascinating factors, as it relates to Instagram Stories, is the fact that people can find your stories easily, especially if it becomes a featured story.

Interact with other Instagram Accounts

Don’t be selfish when it comes to interacting with other Instagram accounts, especially those that are in line with the products and services you offer. When you do this, your potential to attract more fans and brand supporters will be higher. Bear in mind you are looking to grow your audience, and in doing so, people tend to watch your interaction with others to see how you work with them. Build a good relationship with other users, and it will, in turn, play out well for you.

Reply to your Audiences

Do more than just post your content and leave for your audience to interact with it. You have to engage with them in terms of replying to their comments, queries, and questions as well as to your messages. This is a great start to building strong bonds and relationships with your potential customers. This is also considering as one of the best Instagram lead generation technique. They will feel confident in doing business with you as they build a level of trust over time through effective communication. Give your audience a reason to believe you are there with them as your strive to provide quality goods and services continually.


These Instagram marketing tips have proven to be effective for all who have implemented them. As such, going forward as the Instagram social platform expands will help to grow your business tremendously. As noted, some of the most effective ways include strong communication, effective posting strategies, and quality content. Incorporating the use of the platform in your business’ marketing arrangements will reap benefits for you.

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